The Stress Economy

The connectivity that we enjoy might actually be spreading the bad along with the good. Stress travels and it doesn't stop with firewalls. Moreover its hard to eradicate it from within our networked lives.
Road rage for instance is probably the on road manifestation of stress that began at work or maybe at home depending on which part of the day you're talking about. Vice versa is also true.
Ive been reading stories about how people have been experiencing trauma out of seeing the Mumbai blast images on tv. So while we might pride ourselves in being unaffected by most things, its never so easy to avoid stress when it comes around. Email is another big culprit. While forwards might be doing their bit, the bulk of email usually add to stresslevels implicitly or explicitly. Stinkers from above, outside,inside and writing some in return contribute.


Sharan Sharma said…
And with blogging, any Tiwari, D'souza and Haroon get to 'write' - most of it is junk but when you read it you get stressed out, man...the ignorance combined with the confidence!

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