Hair we go again!

The fiasco in the Pak England test match had to have an Aussie somewhere. The pakis take the cake for creating fracas in most occasions and there’s only one another nation which can give it a good run for its money, you guessed it!

Recently two Aussies have been in the news, one for shooting off his mouth, the other for not having opened it! Dean Jones- of the madras test double hundred and dehydration fame, recently called Hashim Amla a terrorist. And then later apologized by calling the Pakistani team his friends. While I didn’t quite see the connection between the two, Deano was sent packing. Interestingly Cricket Australia didn’t say or do anything about this whole episode.

Yesterday the sloth like Hair who has few friends in the sub continent, felt that the Pakis were at it again. The old art of scratching their balls! He signaled five penalty runs, stared at his sloth counterpart- the ever so poised and somnolent Inzy and walked off for tea. No explanations mate!

Post tea, Inzy and co apparently refused to walk in. It could have to do with Inzy’s slow trundle but then he isn’t that slow man…..Finally when the Pakis did agree to come out, Hair and Doctrove, his supporting actor, had awarded the match to England vide Law 21.

Hair acted very much within the laws of the game apparently. He obviously didn’t come anywhere close to the area of common sense.

Meanwhile Skysports with its 26 cameras had caught nothing except a fuming Inzi and a care-less Hair.

The jury is still out on this one but I have my verdict ready- Well done Inzy!


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