What would we do without women in politics?

An unmarried woman stands firm in the path of an unmarried man finding his long cherished dream. That sounds sensational enough, come to think of it Singur can be described that way. Mamata, with her vitriolic vilification of the Tata Group is desperately trying to occupy the militant anti Capitalist space that the Left has left vacant, thanks to the Buddha effect. Land or not, she sure is trying to make this property her own and by the looks of it, is winning hands down. It took a lot of provocation for the well behaved Mr. Tata to come out and even make a statement that they ‘may move out of Bengal’. The battle is cultural, the militant, aggressive Bengali woman versus the stoic, cultured Parsi. At the risk of sounding controversial, Mamata’s fight against Nano is almost a feminist cry against a largely male bastion- the car, the CPI, the Tata Group (when was the last time that you saw a woman top exec in the Tata group)
We have a ‘very married’ woman on the other side of the world, still finding her feet in politics with her pretty legs. Sarah Palin has no qualms about holding a gun, supporting a philandering daughter or supporting a child with Down’s syndrome. She is anti abortion and anti Obama. Suddenly Grandpa Mc Cain has a real pretty looking cane on which he can walk the road down to the White House. Speculation is rife in the media and in household around the world on why was she chosen? No answers yet but it’s sure taken the steam away, albeit temporarily from the Democrats. Sarah Palin is doing her own Singur protest by being loud and upfront about how she cares two hoots about her opinion among Washington Walruses. She with her two pence experience but a million MW confidence and smile has taken on the man most likely the next President of the arguably the most powerful nation on earth. We haven’t heard the last of this one yet for sure.
Hillary, Sonia, Maywati, Jayalalitha have their own quirks and ways of doing things. To me they provide that much needed breath of fresh air/ something different in politics. As with all other areas, I think it keeps the men on their toes.
Palin is an ideal american package. This nation believes so strongly in appearances, impressions, masks. (One gets superior customer service if one is not shlepping around in the mall in 'fat jeans'...)
Sarah Palin is pleasing to the eye, is a smooth charismatic talker and delivers her lines with a lipstick-ed smiling punch. She's the pretty bull dog. She is McCain's arm candy. Wonder if she'd have such an impact if she was an old crone. I am not being judgemental -I appreciate and greatly enjoy the attention a pretty face gets. But the question is - can she deliver? Bigger question - WHAT can she deliver? Matthew Scully better have a nice bonus waiting for him at X'mas.
question remains on what after the intial euphoria and the sheen wears off?
Sarah Palin sure is a tough arm candy for McCain. She will not face the 'hag' or 'crone' euphemisms applied to Hilary. That's something to note in Indian politics that its not for their looks that Women Politicians in India are appreciated for. And their 'marital' status does not affect the votes though they do find themselves the target of off-colour jokes.