BAH!!!! (Bachna Ae Haseeno)

Part one
Act I: Switzerland
Boy meets girl
Boy greets girl
Boy dates girl
boy drops girl
Act 2 Mumbai
The above four steps all over again. With a different girl.And different location of course
Act 3 Sydney
Boy meets girl
Boy greets girl
boy dates girl
girl drops boy
Part 2- Pessimistic
What part 2?
Part 2- Optimistic
Act 1 Amritsar
Boy is rueful
Girl 1 is woeful
Her hubby is nice
unromantic but wise
Boy plays cupid
so wat if it looks stupid
he restores their love
forgiven and how!
Act 2- Italy
Boy is rueful
Girl 2 is now a bitch
he says sorry but she's got a hitch
he has to play her waiter
she couldn't put it straighter
he's forgiven too easy
and its happy days again
they hug n smile
and he's off on a plane
Act 3- Sydney
Girl 3 and Boy live happily ever after. Bah!!!