Look who's changing

Don’t look the RSS is changing,. Especially because it’s changing its trousers, to be precise the khaki no longer is mandatory. There are several, reasons that come immediately to mind when one thinks about the Sangh shorts. The first fiendish thought, and there are many more to come, is on the fact that the shorts revealed more than it concealed. True to the vociferous nature of many a RSS spokesperson, the khaki shorts was also flamboyant and expansive. The trouble is, such exposure doesn’t augur too well for a party that has repeatedly stood for adequate clothing as the true indicator of moral character and conversely has violently taken down many a skimpily clad poster and people. There are some other rather obvious connections with the khaki, the notorious one being that with the cops. Given that nowadays, everyone from ex cops (KPS Gill) to encounter specialists are getting the wrong end of the (hockey) stick, the RSS probably wants to distance itself from such peeves.
Its worthwhile imagining what the shakhas will henceforth see disciples wearing. There have been talks of Bermudas being allowed, but then given the geographical proximity that Bermuda has to Cuba or even to the US, the RSS might have some reservations about it. Shorts in the color red, a symbol of vitality in the Hindu context will certainly not signal the right intentions within the shakha, given that the Communists swear by this color. There might be some quarters in the RSS who might argue that Lal is the first name of their supreme Advaniji but given that most shakhas are more anti Left than pro Right, this argument might not hold water. The color green will be met with utmost hostility for obvious reasons, no need to explain that logic any more. That leaves the color blue, but then it’s the color of the Samajwadi Party, the polar opposite of the upper caste Hindu RSS.
Looks like the Saffron brigade will have to resort to its tried and tested color formula to color its shorts. Am sure that’s one color that runs deep within all its ranks.
i doubt if the RSS are the violent types...r