Bull in an India Shop

Both parts of the term SENSEX defy logic. There doesn’t seem to be too much sense in what’s happening at the market, neither is there too much pleasure as connoted by the latter half of the term. Some souls who’ve lost most earnings and their bearings are blaming the Bull installed outside the BSE. That’s quite a U turn for a country reveres its consort the cow and worships Nandi, the Bull, the animal that the Destroyer rides. Of course, off late Nandi-gram has been in the news for all the wrong reasons so when this Nandi sees red either in terms of the Communists in Bengal or the stock exchange crash we seem to have a problem, a big one at that.
The bull run is something that I’ve never understood except the Jallikattu kind during Pongal in Tamilnadu, which the Supreme Court recently tried to put a ban on, in vain. During Jallikattu insane young men try to tame an inebraited bull usually causing much damage to men and property. Maybe the apex court should try putting a similar ban on the Sensex bull runs so that aapro Gujju bhais are prevented from doing the same to their families and in frustration trying to immerse their woes and souls in an Ahmedabad lake. The notorious lake now has more sorrow content than algae or rubbish. Interestingly, cops are doing everything to prevent a disaster emanating out of what I term a grand gambling expedition gone wrong, like cordoning off the lake. What’s pitiable is how no one seems to have an answer or a preventive mechanism when Farmers in Vidarbha do the same with their lives, year on year, not around some man made disaster called Sensex but for good old survival. Their bull run is probably what we should be praying for, for when their bulls run, the country gets better off in real terms.