Home is where the heart is

The Delhi rape is a shocker. Every rape is a shocker. Every rape is one rape too many. It’s an insult to our culture, our past, our nationhood and the defining values of our society. Yet, we cannot negate a rape because it wasn’t done by people like us or daresay it didn’t happen to us. Am sorry, that is a convenient sidestep that we the Indian middle class have perfected. We can’t afford to do so any longer or any more. I am not linking this to just the Delhi rape. I am linking this to all incidents in the recent past, that were supposed to shake the foundations of our morality, most of them did, yet we accepted and move on- EMIs to pay, promotions to earn, movies to watch. Some of us at least stood up and said “enough is enough”, held up candles, organized protests, sent texts in support, signed petitions. Well done. But not enough done. How is this inaction acting on all of us? Are we feeling guilty, many of us are! We wear the guilt strongly in words, justify lack of action...