What are you reading these days?

Niranjan Rajadhyaksha writes in the Mint Lounge about the Fate of Public Libraries in India, how they are dying a slow death (Read here http://www.livemint.com/2012/07/13214936/Libraries-a-reminder-of-how-l.html ) I have been a Librarytard. Though the last time I visited any library was about 10 years ago if not earlier. The reason being, there aren’t any public libraries around where we live. The only Public Libraries that I am aware of, in Mumbai, are the British Council and the Asiatic Library. I have been a member of the former in the past; have never had a chance to explore the latter. I am now part of a book club called Librarywala, cataloged online, have borrowed two books in the last one year, never returned them. A poor substitute to not having a large public library around, has been buying books oneself. It is an expensive hobby to cultivate and when space is at a constraint it can make your room look ugly too. Ask me. I feel guilty often about buying a lot of books,...